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Stealing Other People's Content

stealing other peoples' content

Let me start off by saying that I am not angry, per se, just extremely frustrated and sad to see the amount of direct sellers and small businesses that steal other peoples' content.

If you think someone's stuff is that great, SHARE it. You can share from their page, from their Pinterest, their Twitter. You can also get the repost app and share from their Instagram. There is no need to actually steal the image (because it is stealing, and it is not flattering to the person who put their time and effort into original content).

Not only that, but no matter what company you or they are with, they can sue you if they so chose. And they would win.

Sharing is a lot better than stealing. If you really want the content and want your name on it, recreate it with your own VOICE and your own BRANDING. This then becomes yours, helps you to stand out, and you are not stealing! Win win win!!

Plus, if someone else's watermark is on the image and you leave it there, this sends someone to look at their page because you are not being authentic and yourself. If you TAKE the watermark off (by cropping/erasing/whatever), then you are legitimately breaking a LAW. You cannot do this.

I'm sorry if I got a little ranty there, but this is just the truth of the matter. Use a program like Picmonkey or Canva. You can make quick images there. If you're mobile, go to Photofy or WordSwag. There are so many different options for you! I also like Pixabay for stock photos.

Tell me, did you learn something? Have you seen this trend in the DS and small biz world?

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