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Brand Identity Essentials

Finding your brand identity can be a struggle. You can hit it big on the color scheme, but forget that hey, maybe the fonts need to change. You can have a great font, but then feel like the colors just don't go together. Heck, even if your brand's mission is stated right on your logo, you will still end up with issues of the style not matching YOU or your company. That's the important thing, style, mission, and authenticity. I'm going to share with you 8 tips that are essential to your brand identity.

1. Your logo.

This seems like a silly thing to say, but really, you need your logo. Constantly on display somewhere accessible to your audience. Go HERE to see my blog about what makes a great logo. 2. Logo Types / Style. In this, you really want to make sure that you have different versions of your logo to display where appropriate. This allows for your graphics and imagery to vary slightly, but still stay within the same theme. You should at least have 2 different versions of your logo: a longer, more slender version, and a more compact, thicker version. 3. 2 - 3 'Main' Colors These should be the colors that people 'know you' by. Think of a logo in your colors come to mind? The reason that this is super important? People will now see that color and think of that company/brand. Subconsciously, we are thinking it all day long. 4. Color Palette. Now, go through and pick a color palette, using those 2 - 3 colors as your base. Click HERE to see the websites that I use for my clients. 5. Fonts. You need to pick at least 3 MAIN fonts that you use. One for Titles, one for Headers, and one for the Main Body of your text. Use them in the same way, every time. You can vary them just a little, but keeping it consistent will keep you memorable. 6. Same Treatments to Fonts. This means that if you space out your letters in some way, color them a certain way, use a drop shadow/outline, whatever, you NEED to keep this the same throughout your branding. 7. Consistent Image Style. I don't mean just use the same filters for every image. If you use a lot of nature photos, animals, people, objects, or just a certain style of photography for your stock photos, stick with it. Varying here and there is okay, but generally you should stick with the same concept and design. 8. Library of Graphic Elements. Do you download a lot of little 'objects'? Do you use the same boxes, frames, icons? Keep those handy and together in the same album so that they are easily accessible to you! Stay consistent with how you use them, too. All in all, you should really follow these tips. They are extremely important to your brand and message, so keep consistent and let the people get to know you visually. Did this article help you? What about it stood out to you?

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