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Visual Stats for Instagram

visual stats for instagram blog

Have you ever looked at an Instagram feed and just got a little bit emotional about how absolutely beautiful it was? Followed by jealousy, because YOU WANT IT, too?! Don't worry, we all have. I was in the middle of re-branding my business, and found myself looking up visual statistics for Instagram. I wanted to know what was the most effective way to do things, and I wanted to do it NOW. So then, I did a Periscope about the subject (video will be linked to this blog once edited). Here is what I found: - High lightness gains 24% more likes than darker photos.

- More background space garners 29% more likes.

- Photos with blue are more popular than photos with red.

- Photos that are single color dominant gain 17% more likes.

- Low saturation gets 18% more likes.

- High texture gains 7% more likes. So the point here? Be consistent with your 'theme', have a lighter 'aura' to your feed, do not use too much vibrancy (so balance any vibrant photos out), use less red, stick with between 1 -3 colors on your photos, and use texture (patterns). Need an IG plan? Not sure where to start, below I have provided you a worksheet to fill out and work on. Plan out your feed based off of content, personality, and ads. Remember the 80/20 rule and don't over saturate your account with a 'buy me' mentality! Comment below if this helped you! Better yet, go ahead and join the group Creationers' Corner and ask questions there! I also provide freebies in the group that no one else gets!

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