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How to Brand your Voice

How to Brand your Voice

Have you ever got caught in a conversation with someone, had the ability to pitch your business, but no idea how to come about it? Has someone in your family said "hey, why are you doing this if -insert blah blah blah-"? I'm going to teach you a great tactic to brand your voice, that pitch, and any explanations you feel you have to give to people (which really, you don't have to!)

Today's word is... F.O.R.M.

This stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message.

There is a method to my madness here. First, I have to tell you, I heard this thanks to Jess Winnett (if you don't know her, head over to because you are MISSING OUT!). Second, I fell in love with what she said because seriously, this is a great tool and you can almost use it like an elevator speech! If anyone has a question for you, you can immediately dwindle down the line of things (f.o.r.m.) and it's a pitch, but a relatable one. You want people to connect with you. You want people to know for sure that you are a real person and not just a 'sales person'. Talk to them about your family, then ask them about theirs. Talk to them about your occupation, then ask them about theirs. Follow this up by talking about recreation (what they like to do) and a message that you think will relate to them through your previous conversation. Now, I am not saying form something up on the top of your head, no! We are going to create at least 2 of these for you to use in the future. You do have homework here, so don't just walk away from this blog saying 'cool, okay, this was a good blog'. You have to either comment on this post, or join the Creationers' Corner and share with us!

Your task: 1. Download the free worksheet below. 2. Write down 2 items under family (so your husband/kids/mother/etc).

3. Write down 2 items under occupation (what you do).

4. Write down 2 items under recreation (fun stuff that you do/hobbies).

5. Write down 2 items under message (these might be something you have learned through your business, what you wish to share through your business, or why you think that person is a good fit for your business, just for ideas). 6. Combine one from each category and begin to build them into sort of an elevator speech/pitch. Do not be salesy! Once you have done this, comment below or go to Creationers' Corner to share what you came up with!

Download the free worksheet

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